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Vocational Center
The center sets to teach our teeming youths how to fish instead of giving them fish. It is a youth empowerment and resource center where basic/advance training in different skills are available. Our goal here is to do our bit in poverty eradication.

Vocational Trainings Offered
Computer Training
Learn basic information about computers including hardware and software. Learn the input and output of information into a computer. Learn the basic components of a computer, as well as, basic programs. Gain the practical skills necessary to make yourself marketable to employers.
Learn the basics of sewing beginning with the parts of a sewing machine, patterns, and fabrics. Learn how to construct an outfit and several finishing techniques. Learn specific tailoring methods that will your work to be set apart.
Learn the proper procedures and techniques for the treatment of hair and scalp, shampooing and rinsing hair, diagnosing and treating hair problems, and the various methods of cutting and shaping hair. Learn to identify the different types of hair structure, texture, and how to test hair.
Learn to work with different types of beads including coral beads, glass beads, and metal bead. Learn to be familiar with beading tools and materials. Learn the different techniques to foster creativity. Learn to make different accessories: necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc.